Friday, October 1, 2010

Flying Fear

I am 21 years old, and until this morning, had never flown in an airplane.  Flying is like second nature to my friends and roommates, who were shocked I hadn't experienced it before.  When they refer to flying, their destination is where there adventure begins.  However, my flying adventure began with the packing of my suitcase.  Who knew it could take so long?  I had so many questions regarding what I was aloud and not aloud to bring.  Finally, I reached the airport, anxiously anticipating departure.

I must admit, I felt completely helpless wandering through the airport.  Luckily, my boyfriend was there to point me in the right direction.   After waiting patiently for our flight to be announced, we boarded the plane and took our seats.  The flight attendants secured the plane and we began our route to the landing strip.  As the plane increased speed and began lifting from the ground, my fear sank in.  I felt as if I were in a bad dream, being sucked back into my seat.  I avoided looking out the window as we climbed higher and higher into the sky. (My fear of heights was not beneficial to this experience).  Eventually, the plane leveled out and I began to feel at ease.  I caught myself staring out the window in amazement thinking to myself, "I can't believe I'm in the air right now."

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